The firmware zip file shared in this post contains two different stock ROMs for 5020. The first is a .bin package while the second is a .PAC file.
After flashing the bin file, at first boot password will be requested. Enter the password contained in the readme file in that folder and the device will unlock.
The PAC file has no password protection. But if password is requested, use the same password as in the bin package.
After flashing the bin file, at first boot password will be requested. Enter the password contained in the readme file in that folder and the device will unlock.
The PAC file has no password protection. But if password is requested, use the same password as in the bin package.
- Itel 5020 firmware - Download
How to flash
To flash the .bin firmware package, /2016/04/how-to-flash-bin-firmware-file-on-any.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">click here. For the .PAC file, /2015/11/how-to-flash-stock-rom-firmware-on-any.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">click here.
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