Ever since I finished my camping, I always wanted to share my experiences in camp, but the problem is “what do I write, how do I start, where do I start from”. How I wish I had a diary of all my experiences during my 16 days on camp , but I don’t. I always felt diaries were for girls, but now I know better. Before NYSC, I always thought the camp is like a standard camp with everything in place, complete freedom, but I was so wrong and disappointed! Got to camp at about 6:00pm that is one day before the camping day and there is no queue at the gate. It was hot that night. Nobody told me that their is too much sun and too much Hot in Bauchi. The weather is like a Hell Fire. The camp is good. It has electricity and stand by generator. Water is available except our first 3 Days. The first three days in our camp was busy-less because it's only Registration thing and because i went to the camp at the very fist day i was not encounter any queueduring registration but after three days almost all others day are Very busy and we have no time of our self except few hours. The camp is good as i said and the NYCS officials are very kind, the soldiers are friendly except our camp commandant. He is smile-less guy and he only make friend with beautiful Girls. My friend Zaharadeen Sani (Zee Boy) and i hustled almost everything in camp together, including eating and a place to sleep. He took the top bunk, and I took the lower bunk. We were in hostel A9. Zahardeen is my School mate, he studied Political Science and i studied Mass Communication. We don't know each other during our school days but because we were posted to the same camp we became closed friend. I can Say Going to Camp make us best friend. We stuck together like we like we know each other ever since. Our hostel members are very kind and easygoing. Am in same camp with Three of my Course mates. Namely, Usman Suleiman, Ibrahim Abubakar and Aminu Richifa. I was in platoon four or Wrong spanners Platoon (that is another name given by our Platoon commandant). I like our platoon members, they are very friendly, funny, and Kindness. Taking my bath was easier for me because water is Available but the water is always hot even in the morning. May be is because of Wailo or Bauchi State weither. I cant lie, the food of that camp dinning is good. Even thought i am not use to go and collect food from them because i prepared go to Mami Market than to follow dinning queue. I only dislike one food from dinning that is yam. Even though am Bazazzage but I hate take Yam. My Big Problem in Wailo Camp is Cold Water. There is no cold water in wailo in the first week. No cold water, no cold drinks. We dont know what is root of that problem. If you insist to take Cold water in that camp you will die with heart attack. My Friend Zaharadeed and I became hopeless of getting Cold water or Cold drinks but in second weeks we have start gotten Cold Water and Cold drinks in Mami Market but not always. Thanks to Hajara, She was the first person that gave us Cold Water. Hajara is a food saler and she is 'Yar Flower.
It was in that camp I meet many Southerners, esaterners and northners Friends. After the first week, I meet Yoruba friend Abiola Odemuyi from Osun State. Graduate of Management of Accounting from Obafemi Awolowo University. We were in the same platoon so i saw her more often. We spend many craziness together. I like the craziness we spend, fun, and she is very grateful and Kindness.
My Big thanks also goes to Aisha Abduljabbar From Gombe State, Anna graduate of Communication Art from Ibadan, Charity, Yusuf From Niger, Gaddafi, Peace, Umar and many others.
In the another hand my friend Damilola (Yoruba also) was very kind but am very stubborn that is why we fight so often. I like my Platoon four members especially the Yorubas, Hausas and Igbos. Even thought I was always dodging when it came to parades in the afternoon or in the morning. My Platoon member know about my laziness. Am completely Wrong Spanner (Wrong Spanner in our platoon language means someone who is not good in parade). I use to sneak my leg or Bandaged it, just to pretend that am not feeling fine. When i pretend Soldiers and Man O War officers are saying Sorry to me.the thought my injury is real.
Their is Inter Platoon competition. We perfume very well in Football but ball disappointed us in Quoter final. Apart from Football we carried Last in almost everything. Endurance trek is another fun but We had no Endurance trek due to security reasons. Endurance trek is a long journey on foot as a group from Camp to somewhere outside with fully kitted in our NYSC uniform.
How can I forget the fire alarm night? It wasn’t funny at all. Normally soldiers wake us up at 4:30am for the early morning parade, but in that fateful day they wake us up at 1:00am and forced us to the parade ground with our sleepy eyes, and did a roll call of all the corpers. No body told me about Camp fire alarm that is why i had no other way to escape. I feel like Killing my self that night. Lolz
I am Man O War special Squad. I participated in all the man – o – war activities and I also had a privilege to snap picture with Bauchi State Governor Bar Mohd Abubakar.
I participated in ''pulling Rope'' agains the Governor Team during our swearing in ceremony. I was in the front and We men (Man o War special squad only) represented Commissioner team and Females of the Man O war Special Squad represented governor team. Females (Governor Team) defeated us 2-1 in front of 1800 Corp Members, uncountable Camp Officials, Governor representatives, commissioner, Journalists and others Government officials. Don't ask "How Come" because these females are bigger than us. They are 4 in 1 and 6 in 1. Am slim and streingless, so what do you expect when am leading others men at my back. we must fail.
How can i forget my Niece Shamsiyyah Ibrahim. We were in the same camp. She is very stubborn. She is always looking after my downfall. Why? Because after camping she want to tell all the world how laziness and Corwardless i am. I still think our camp, it was funny. Bauchi State 2016 Batch A Stream i corp members are too good and too kindness. I like them all. Being with them is an experience I can never forget.
We ended camp on Friday some are posted to Bauchi Tonw including me, some to others local Govt and Some relocated to others state with Fake excuses this including My niece Shamsiyyah and my best Friend Abiola. We ended Camp on Friday with Joy and Happiness but after our camping another blood and iron begin in Bauchi Town.
''My four days in Bauchi after camp''
As i left Wailo Camp i said to my Friend Abiola Thanks God we left Hell, otherwise known as Wailo Camp. I looked at the leaves changing colors on tress.ALHAMDULILLAH
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